Privacy Policy


Cookies are small files that are sent to the user when they visit a website via a computer, mobile or other electronic device and recognize this device in future visits. These files perform various functions. Among other things, they remember the user’s preferences and choices, help improve the services and content of the site, and allow customized ads and offers to be customized to the individual user. Cookies can be divided into four categories, each of which is summarized below:

Absolutely Necessary Cookies
These files are necessary so that the website can provide services that the user asks for, such as remembering the products he has added to his shopping cart.

Performance Cookies
Cookies in this category collect anonymous information about how each user uses the site. This data is aggregated with the data of other users and helps improve the way the site works. For example, this category of cookies helps us understand how customers identify, browse and use our site and point to points where there is room for improvement, such as browsing, sales experience, and advertising campaigns. The data collected by these cookies does not include personal information that can be identified by the user.

Cookies Functionality
These cookies remember user options such as language or search parameters such as size, color, or product line. This information allows the user to enjoy an experience that is more compatible with his choices and helps us make his visits more enjoyable. This information is also aggregated along with other users’ information on an anonymous basis in order to help improve the operation of the site.

Cookies Orientation & Promotional Cookies
These cookies collect information about your browsing habits in order to create ads related to the user’s interests. They remember the pages that the user has visited and the information shared with third parties, such as ads.
The user can change browser settings to prevent cookies from being stored on his computer without his explicit consent. In the “help” section of the browser, usually details are provided on how one can manage the cookie setting.